Thursday 11 December 2014

Science behind Hindu Stories

Science behind Hindu Stories (Draft):

The Earth is Round:

Its not such a big thing now that we have gone to space and verified that the Earth is round. But when there were no way to go so high (or so we think) we have stories to prove that Hindu knew the Earth is round.

Story 1:

Lord Vishnu takes the incarnation of Varaha (Boar), puts the earth between his tusks, and fights the demons.
The depiction of Earth here is a Ball that fits well between his tusks.

Story 2:

To test there children Lord Shiva and Parvati ask Ganesha and Kartik to go around the Earth for 3 times.
Kartik, on his Peacock, doesn't give a second thought and starts the race, by flying on it.
Ganesh, on the other hand, obviously cant compete on his mouse. So he takes Pradakshan around his parents, and wins the race much faster.
Here, Kartik still goes around the Earth, a circular object, three times.

The Earth is a huge Magnet

Until Newton told the world about Gravity no one knew about it, or did we know before that?


Parvati creates a sculpture out of Haldi (Turmeric) and pours life in it. She asks him to guard her home.
Shiva comes to meet his wife, but the kid doesn't allow. Shiva goes back and lets the others try to convince the kid to move, or let him pass. No one succeeds. After all he is the creation of Aadi Shakti (First/Pure Power).
The kid playfully outwits all. Shiva in a fit of rage, throws his Trishul (trident) and decapitates him.
Parvati, realizes whats happening outside and comes out, only to realize her head less kids body.
She becomes furious, and all are afraid. Shiva convinces her that he would make him alive, sends Vishnu to fetch the first thing thats sleeping with its head pointed to North. Vishnu finds an elephant doing the same. He brings his head, and Ganesha gets his elephant head after a Yagna.
If we place a piece of Iron in the earth for some time, it slowly magnetizes.
Our body has Iron and so it has some effect of the huge magnet in earth. If we point our head to North, our Body miss-aligns with the magnetic lines of the Earth, and we are sure to be taken ill slowly but surely. Thats why we are advised not to do so by this story.

The Big Bang Theory:

There was a vast nothingness, and then there was a Big Bang, and the Universe started forming.


The first thing that has happened is that there was a sound originated from Shiva's Damaru, and the Universe started forming. The sound wasn't any simple bang, but was as if all the letters of Sanskrit were spoken like a word.
From this form of positive Energy the creation of Universe started.

Time Dilation

Einstein said Gravity distorts space, bends light, etc. Also, if we can travel much faster than others, or as we come closer to speed of light, the Time moves much slower. If we were to travel in a space ship thats going real fast those inside will age much lesser. Those outside will age normally.
People travelling with such speed, when they come back to the normal, they will see that others have aged or are long dead.


A king goes to Brahma to find out who is the best match for his daughter. On Brahma Loka time runs different, and in the brief time he spends there, ages have passed on Earth. In fact, while he is from Satya Yuga (1st Yuga), on earth it is Dwapar Yuga (3rd Yuga). Brahma advises him to marry his daughter to Balram.
The king heeds the creators advise and approaches Balram. They are still in space, so Balram pulls the princes down to earth using his Hal.


Humans wanted to fly for ages, or did we fly long before others dreamt of it?


The Pushpak Viman is a good example to show that ancient Hindu flew in chariots. Whats more interesting is there are specific chapters to show how it could be made.

Darwins Theory or Evolution of Species:


Ram took the help of vanaras (Apes). This shows that Homo Sapiens and Apes co-existed.
They had there own way of life but respected each other and one did not hunt or try to end the life of others.
This is different to what appears to be in Europe, or else where, were the Homo Sapiens tried to kill other species.

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