Wednesday 5 March 2014

Vishnus Avatars, etc

More Comparisons in Hindu Mythology (work in Progress)

A fish saves all forms of life and carries them from one point to another in a massive ship in a huge ocean.
A turtle carries a huge mountain while the forces of Nature (the devatas) and Rakshasa churn the ocean to bring various valuable things and life in the making.
A boar digs out the earth and brings it out of the ocean.
A lion rules the forest and ensure the balance. Kills the evil rakshas.
As a short brahmin asks for 3 steps of land and takes all. Lets the king remain and rule.
As Parasuram avenges his mother, As Ram saves his wife, As Krishna helps his sister.



Ram is perfect
  1. son [goes to forest for his father]
  2. brother [opts to stay back in the forest if his brother wants to, does not wish to go back to his kingdom, if his brother Bharata wants to remain the king]
  3. husband [despite being a king, vows to have one wife, goes great distance to save and free her]
  4. student [obeys his Guru, even to go against his favorite bhakta Hanuman]
  5. king [opts to leave his beloved wife, for the sake of his people, he asks his brother Lakshman to leave his wife Sita in the forest, but doesn't abandon his people
  6. above all the enforcer of dharma by the word and deed
Krishna is beyond perfect
  1. born to a mother, brought up by another
  2. brother [though he and Balram defeat a vast evil force of Kansa and Kansa himself, he lets his brother be the ruler]
  3. for all those good people who wanted to enjoy his company on earth, he satisfies them as a child, friend, protector, and a above all loving husband [he has 16000 wiwes, sages in their previous births]
  4. friend (he embraces Sudama his friend from child hood)
  5. protects his people by defeating and if necessary moving all the people to a safer place
  6. protector of dharma by using a little rule bending only to achive the inevitable
Ram favors son of Surya/Sun vs son of Indra
Ram helps Sugriva by killing Vali
Since Indra's son, Vali is super strong and can absorb others strengths.
Krishna favors son of Indra vs son of Surya
Krishna helps Arjuna kill Karna
Here it is help kill....since Suray's son had comparative advantage over Indra's son.
Karna was born with [Kavach Kundall] Earrings that could make him immortal and Golden Armor that could protect him and was practically in-defeat-able while the Sun shined.
Ram takes Help
Ram takes the help of a vast Vanara Sena[ape army] and other animals [Jambavatha, the bear king, Jtayu and Sampathi, the vulture brothers, Garuda the king of the Birds, vehicle of Vishnu]

Ram is helped by the sons of devatas
  1. Hanuman** <Son of Vayu> [follows him unconditionally]
  2. Vali <Son of Indra> [Frees him from life]
  3. Sugriva* <Son of Surya> [Makes him a King]
Krishna Helps
Krishna helps the Pandavas to
  1. build a kingdom
  2. evolve/enlighten/learn while they are in exile/van vaas
  3. guides them during the battle
Krishna helps sons of devatas
  1. Bhima** <Son of Vayu> [follows him unconditionally]
  2. Arjuna* <Son of Indra> [Frees him from affection and asks him to follow Dharma]
  3. Karna <Son of Surya> [Frees him from life]
  4. Yudhistra <Son of Yama>
Ram wages war with Ravana the demon king to save his wife.
Lakshman is angry younger brother.
Krishna helps his sister and her husband Pandavas.
Balram is his elder angry brother.
Ravan is afraid and gathers 100s of Rakshasa/Demons under his rule. Ram kills them in one place. Kans is afraid and sends Rakshasas to kill Krishna. Krishna kills them.
Ram shoots Vaali Jara <Vaali reborn as a hunter> shoots Krishna

Ram is 2nd child born after a Yagyan<Fire Ritual> in the palace of Ayodya Krishna is the 7th child, born in Jail in Mathura
Ram's spent his child hood <as a student>, before coronation <as if he were a ascetic> with his wife and brother, and then his wife had to spend more years in a forest. Krishna spent his life far from his biological parents as he was taken to Brindavan on a stormy night, right after he was born.
Ram requests the ocean to give way so that he can build a bridge to Lanka, and threatens the Ocean as he gets no response after several days. Krishna builds a city next to the ocean, the ocean consumes the city after Krishna's time.



Surya Vanshi
The epic is dominated by Surya Vanshis.
These people, like the Sun, believe in burning themselves, to uphold the Dharma.
Chandra Vanshi
The epic is dominated by Chandra Vanshis.
These people think more otherwise.
Common People
  1. Hanuman [Plays an active role in finding Sita, fighting battle, serving Sita Ram, proves Bhakta/devotee[he] is better than the God[Ram] or Ram Naam [devotion to Ram] is better than Ram, God has to do the bidding of perfect devotee]
  2. Jambvantha [Plays role in invoking Hanumans Strength, and in the battle]
  3. Vibhishan [Advices Ram how to act in the war]
  4. Parashuram [Gives Ram a mighty bow]
Common People
  1. Hanuman [Breaks the ego of Garuda, Balarama, Bhima, Arjuna. Is in the flag of Arjuna's chariot to reduce the effect of dangerous Astras/Missiles.]
  2. Jambvantha [Has a wish of fighting Ram fullfilled as Krishna duels him]
  3. Vibhishan [Meets Krishna]
  4. Parashuram [Gives Krishna his Sudarshan Chakra]

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Comparison of Myth Stories

Comparison of Myth Stories (work in Progress)

Longevity of the Gods

Hera had Golden Apples. Hercules went to fetch them for his wife so that she could be cured of a poisonous arrow. When on this mission he lost all his strength. But one bite of this apple, and he gained all his strength.
Eduna had shining Apples which when the Gods ate would not grow old. Loki tricked Eduna to be kidnapped by the giant Thiasir. Loki disguised as a falcon, brought back Eduna as a sparrow, while Thiasir disguised as a Eagle chased them.
In Hindu Myth, the Gods drank Amrut or Nectar that would keep them Immortal. The Gods and the demons had churned the ocean using a mountain to get this Nectar.

Asgard vs Olympus vs Amaravati

The Norse Gods lived in Asgard, The Greek gods lived in Mount Olympus, The Hindu Gods lived in Amaravati also known as Swarga.
Asgard was under the threat of the Snow Giants, Olympus was under the threat from Giants and some times from Hades of Underworld who plotted to overthrow Zeus, and Swarga was under constant attack and take over of the Rakshasas from Underworld.

Trying to alter cause of death

Acrisius, King of Argos came to know that his daughter DanaĆ«'s son will be the cause of his death. He locked her. After Perseus was born from Zeus, the king put them in a box and threw them in the ocean.
Kansa came to know that his sister Devaki's 8th son would be the cause of his death. He locked her and her husband. After the birth of every son, Kansa would come and kill them until the 7th.  Balram was transfered to Rohini's womb (Surrogate mother) and Krishna was born, and his father swapped him with Yasoda's child, Durga born as Yoga Maya. She disappeared when Kansa tried to kill her.
For more read

Chasers of Sun and Moon

In Hindu Myth, Rahu and Ketu chase around the Sun and Moon and Eclipse occur when they devour them.
In Norse Myth, 2 wolfs chase Sun and Moon.

Importance of Weapons

Thor's weapon Mjolnir was lost and the defense of Asgard was almost lost. Thor disguised as Freya went to the Giants, ate Salmon, a full Ox, Mead, took possession of his hammer, smashed the house and left with it.
Indra lost his mighty weapon to a demon, and fighting other demons was difficult. He went to a sage for help. The sage who had a boon that his bones would be as strong as diamonds lent his Back Bone after giving his life.

Torture/Death of Gods

Loki, the Norse God of mischief tircked Baldr's blind brother Hoor to kill Baldr using Mistletoe. As a punishment Loki was captured, and bound. He was tortured. A poison spewing snake dripped poison on Loki.
Prometheus the Greek God who gave man the gift of fire, despite Zeus disapproval, was punished.
His punishment was that an eagle would eat his liver during the day, and it would grow back. The eagle would continue eating the liver bit by bit.
Atlas the Titan was punished to lift the sky.
Krishna the eigth avatar of Vishnu is not vulnerable to all but a small tree. A hunter made an arrow head of this branch and shot Krishna's feet mistaking it for a dear's leaf and thus killed him.

Death of Gods

In Norse mythology, Loki tricked Hoor to kill Baldr using mistletoe. Baldr goes to the underworld where Lokis daughter Hel receives him.
In Egypt mythology, Seth kills Osiris.
In one version, he asks that anyone who fits the box can claim it. This is tailored for Osiris, and when he fits, Seth locks him in it. He kills him.
Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis son Horus goes to fight Seth and avenges his father. Osiris goes to become the king of the underworld.

Going to Hell for Love

In Greek mythology, Psyche goes to the Underworld for sake of her love. Eros is her love.
In Hindu mythology, Savitri follows Yama for her husband Satyavans life and wins him back.
Like Psyche she is very beautiful, but here men are intimidated by her purity that no one comes to take her as his bride. For more read
In Norse mythology, Frigg sends Hermod to Hel, and Hel promises to let Baldr go, if all objects living or dead mourn for him.
All but Loki disguised a crow weep, and so Baldr has to rmain until Ragnarok.
In Egypt mythology, Osiris is brought back to life by Anubis or in other versions by Horus.

Form of Gods

In Greek mythology, Zeus takes form of a falcon when he wants to. Posidon took many forms to mate with Demeter.
In Egypt mythology, Seth has the head of a Jackal and can take various other forms. Horus is a falcon.
In Hindu mythology, Garuda, the vehicle of Vishnu is an eagle. Nandi, the vehicle of Shiva is a bull. Ganesha the son of Parvathi has a head of Elephant. Rahu and Ketu have body of a man and head of a snake and the other has body of snake and head of a man.

After Death

The Greeks cremate their dead after putting 2 coins on their eyes.
The Norse put their kin on a boat and set it on fire while pushing it to the sea.
The Hindus cremate their loved ones and feed many people, the crow and other  animals.
The Egyptians bury their Royal and Nobel after Mummifying them in Pyramids.

Troy and Ramayana

Troy and Ramayana are alike in many ways and not same in many other ways.
Author: Holmer was a blind narrator/orator. His stories were written down.
Time: Holmer was supposedly born after centuries of the happening.
Side: Holmer was closer to Troy the loosing side.
Author: Valmiki was robber who turned to a sage before writing the Ramayana.
Time: Valmiki wrote it as it happened.
Side: Valmiki was neutral and left the reader to understand the meanings behind it. He praised Ravana for what he had to be praised, and described flaws where it was necessary, not more, not less.
Trojan Prince Paris smuggles Helen to Troy. Hector helplessly agrees to take her back. In Ramayana, the Demon King Ravana kidnaps Sita, while his uncle Marichi unwillingly distracts Ram and Lakshman.
Spartan King Menelaus asks for Agamemnon's help and they set sail to attack Troy. Ram helps Sugriva become the Vanara King and with his help finds Sita and marches to Lanka.
A dual between Paris and Menelaus is done to avoid the battle. A messenger is sent to offer peace if Ravana is willing to accept his mistakes and return Sita. Avoiding war is the first and best option.
Troy is burnt at the end of the battle by Greeks who sneak in a Trojan Horse. Hanuman's tail is set on fire by Ravana's soldiers and he spreads the fire in Lanka.

Common Demons/Characters

Minotaur was a greek demon with a head of a bull.
Mahisasura was a demon in Hindu myth who was born of a demon and a buffalo and had a head of a bull.

Achille's mother nymph Thetis dipped him in river Styx by his heel. So his body was vulnerable at his heel only. Hector's brother Paris shoots an arrow (Appolo guides the arrow) at Achille's heel and kills him.
In Mahabharata, Duryodhana's mom asks him to bathe and come before him completely naked so that she can see him and bless him with Armor. Krishna tricks Duryodhana to wear a small leaf on his waist.
When his mother opens her eyes Duryodhana becomes invulnerable but his waist was vulnerable. Bhima hits him at his waist by advise of Krishna and kills him. Krishna later pacifies his brother, an angry Balram who is Duryodhana's teacher.
Krishna is also not vulnerable to all but small tree. Sugriva who wanted to take revenge on Rama was reborn as a hunter. He made an arrow head of this branch and shot Krishna's feet mistaking it for a dear's leaf and thus killing him.

Curses to Gods

No matter what, the Greek Gods were never cursed by other Gods. Instead, their victims were cursed.
For example, Medusa was cursed by Athena when Poseidon raped her in Athena's temple.
The Hindu deities dint get such discounts. Any one could curse a God or any one of any power.
Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma were no exceptions.
Brahma was cursed never to be able to receive any prayers/yagnas. He could be appeased by Tapssya alone.
All the Devatas were cursed to loose there power, wealth, etc. They requested Vishnu's help, they did the Samudra Manthan (Churning of the Ocean) and got many items from the Ocean along with Nectar.
Chandra/Moon was cursed by Daksha to wane away. Shiva cured his curse partially and carried him on his head.
Vishnu was cursed several times. Each curse had a big role in improvement of All Living Beings, and to show them how to behave/act in different scenarios to be good/just.

Affair with Woman

In Greek Mythology different gods have affairs with woman mortal or immortal and produce offspring. Zeus has several affair with many woman. One such case is as follows:
Zeus disguised as  Alcmene's husband, Amphitryon, and spent the night with her.
When Amphitryon returned from a battle, she told that he had spent the previous night with her.

In one Hindu Story, Indra goes to a sages hut, shortly after the sage departs for his daily rituals.
His unaware wife offers her services to Indra who is disguised as the sage.
Right at that movement the sage comes back, and angry at what he sees, he curses Indra and his wife.
His wife becomes of stone, and is brought back to life when Rama passes by during his Vana vas (stay in the forest).

In another Story, a strong demon king Jalandhara is un defeat able mainly due to his pious wife Vrinda. Jalandhar tries to trick Shiva's wife Parvati. Parvati realizes it, and asks Vishnu to do the same to Vrinda. Vishnu takes Jalandhar's form and tricks Vrinda, but she realizes the trick, curses Vishnu, and commits Suicide. Jalandhar becomes vulnerable and is killed by Shiva.
Vishnu is pleased with Vrinda's dedication, and promises to marry her in her next form, which is Tulasi.

Birth from part of Gods

In Greek Mythology, Athena is born on Zeus head, when he has a splitting headache.
Aphrodite was born when Cronus cut off Uranus's genitals and threw them into the sea.

In Hindu Mythology, Brahma is born on a lotus which sprouts from Vishnu's Naval.
Ganesh is made of the Turmeric leftovers from Parvathi's body.
There are several demons born of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma's body/energy.
Jalandhar was born of Shiva's anger and fire from his third eye and Shiva eventually kills him.
Madhu and Kaitabh originate of Vishnus ears and he kills them.


While Gods can travel anywhere anytime on their own, they still use animals as Vehicles. This way Hindus respect and take care of animals.
Shiva's Nag (Snake) & Nandi (Bull), Parvati's Lion/Tiger, Vishnu's Garud (Eagle), Laxmi's Cow, etc.
While some earn fear from their aspects, these also earn a special respect.
As for mortals the Greeks had Pegasus (a winged Horse).
In Hindu myth Ravan took control of Kuber's Pushpak Viman (a flying vehicle that can take any number of people and can go anywhere simply by the thoughts of its controller)