Saturday 18 January 2014

Shiva vs Vishnu

More Comparisons in Hindu Mythology

Many people say that so and so person is the best Father/Mother/Brother/Sister/Wife in the world.
It doesn't mean that they are comparing them to all other people in the world.
It means that they got most of whatever they expected and more from them.

Similarly, many people believe in different Gods. Hindus believe in different forms of Gods.
For example, Vishnu has taken several avatars (incarnations), of which 10 (Das Avatar) are considered as most important. His consort, Lakshmi, has accompanied him as and when necessary.
Similarly, Vishnu's sister, Shiva's wife, Parvati or Shakti as she is known, has also taken several avatars. Sati (the one who immolated herself), Parvati (the daughter of Parvat raj/Mountain king Himavant), Kali (the dark one, like her brother Vishnu, she is dark in color).
Lakshmi is worshiped in different forms as well. She is worshiped as Dhana (wealth), Dhanya (Food), Gaja (Elephant), Santana (Children), Vijaya (Win) Lakshmi.
Shiva, his sister Sarasvati (both fair, and giver of education in different fields) and her husband Brahma are worshiped by their main form only.

While Brahma writes/creates life, Shakti provides energy to start/sustain life, Lakshmi provides resources to support life, Vishnu maintains order in life, Sarasvati provides knowledge to the creature how to live the life (how to eat, protect itself, and multiply, etc), Shiva takes care of restoring/re-energizing.

They are like Father (who provides for the family and takes care of them), Mother (who gives life to them, loves them, feeds them, teaches the basics to them), Guru (Teacher who teaches different aspects in life, in different forms), We should not compare the roles and responsibilities of them.

Similarly, It is not wise to compare to differentiate between Gods, but to understand them better, we can compare.

Shiva vs Vishnu (Draft)



Destruction for Construction
Shiva's Primary role is to Clean/Destroy[Pralaya] the world and prepare it for the next cycle.
Constructive Destruction
Vishnu's Primary role is to Clean/Restore the world by reducing the evil.
Shiva is a renouncer, sage and does tapasya.
Vishnu is a protector.
Shiva's wife lives nearby. Like a hermit in the forest while his wife in his house.

Shiva bhakt wish to go to Kailash after their death.
Vishnu reclines on the Aadi Sesha in Ksheera Samudra and his abode is Vaikuntha, high above, even higher than the Swarga
Aadi means begining, Sesha means end, Ksheera Samudra is Milk Ocean or Milky Way.
The Devas are either the nature [like Agni <fire>, Vayu <air>, water <Varun>, Indra <Thunder & Rain>, Surya <Sun>, Chandra <Moon> with strong impact] or planets [Mangal, Budh, Brihaspati <Jupiter>, Shani <Saturn>, Rahu, Ketu] that reside in Swarga, which is below the Vaikunth.

Vishnu bhakt wish to go to Vaikunth after their death.
Form of worship
An ascetic lives far from the world, is seen in various forms when he is doing a leela, otherwise no one knows how he looks, hence his temples have Shiv Ling.
Shiv Ling is the humans perceptive of the earth and the sky. The ground is flat, the sky is vast and looks round.
Form of worship
A king is close to his citizens, and people know how he looks.
So Vishnu's temple have statues of him and his family.
Role of his wife
Shiva's wife Parvathi, is Vishnus sister, and like while a wife of sage, lives in Himalayas with him, she also plays of killing Rakshasas by taking different avatars.
Role of his wife
Vishnu is like a king and his wife a queen. She takes avatars along with Vishnu to support him.
She has another role, spread wealth among people.
Shiva's vessel is Nandi the bull. All bulls have a hump representing the Shiv Ling.
Vishnu's vessel is Garuda an eagle.
Brahma is one among the Trimurti, and his role is write the story of each living being that is born.
His wife, Saraswati, is his inspiration, and Godess of Education.
Brahma has no form of worship, but Saraswati is worshiped.
Shiva's favorite Bhakt is Nandi.
Nandi is also the vehicle of Shiva.
Nandi focuses on Shiva and doesn't care of the world. He is present in all Shiva Temples facing Shiva.

Vishnu/Narayana's favorite Bhakt is Narada. Narada repeats Narayana Narayana and spreads the bhakti of Vishnu.
He is a traveler and goes around the world.

Musical Instrument
Shiva uses Damaru, a two headed drum, with objects tied to thread.
This is used primarily while his tandava dance.
He is famous as the Nataraja. The dmarau is on the trishul.

Musical Instrument
Before every dharmic/good deed hindus blow Shankh/Conch Shell.
This is also used like trumpets to announce the beginning of the battle.
Vishnu holds this in his hands.

In Krishna Avatar his favorite music instrument is the Flute.

A man has paramatma <the supreme soul> in him. He acts like Vishnu (the protector & caretaker of the world) for his property and people, Brahma <the one who writes how things should be> by deciding/influencing how things should happen and must become Shiva <renouncer> renounce what he owns when time is right.
Likewise paramatma has already decided about us <as Brahma>, protects us <as Vishnu> and welcomes us after we have lived our life <as Shiva>.

Shiva takes the role of punishing Brahma's son Daksh, Vishnu's son Kam Dev, Parvati's son Ganesh. But the Bhole Naath grants life to Daksh with a head of Goat (despite Daksh being the reason of self immolation of his wife Sati), tells Kam Dev's wife that he will be born in Krishna's dynasty, and Ganesh gets the head of Elephant.
Parvati's son Ganesh is so strong that he can beat Brahma, Vishnu and other Devatas. Angry with this, Shiva beheads him.
Shiva kills lord of death Yama himself by simply kicking him with his left leg, when Yama comes to claim Markandeya. Later on request of Marakandeya Yama was brought back to life. Shiva explains that Markandeya was blessed to know all by the age of 16 and Yama misinterpreted that his life would end at 16.
Shiva or Bhole Naath grants Bhasm Asur to be able to turn Bhasm/Ash by simply placing his hand on any ones head. Vishnu takes Mohini Avatar to rescue Shiva.

Shiva helps Vishnu in his avatars.
He is Parashu Ram's teacher and paves the way to destruction of various Kings.
Rudr Avatar Hanuman helps Ram during battle against Ravan and other Rakshasas.
After killing Ravan, Ram and Sita performs Shiv Ling Pratishtha to do paschyataap.
Krishna advises Arjun to appease Shiva to be able to participate in battle against Adharma.
Bhim meets Hanuman as well.
Hanuman comes to stay in the flag of Arjun, and thus along with Krishna, the chariot is able to with stand the various Astra/Sastra <Missile> attacks.